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The Book Launch: It's Complicated: A Novel

I’m thrilled about the book launch event for my book It’s Complicated: A Novel held on Thursday, August 24, 2023. It was a great opportunity to interact with friends and family and meet new fans of my work. The event was held at the Marietta Theatre in the Square—a perfect place for introducing my book. The theatre setting—a place where stories are told on the stage—was a symbiotic place to share the multi-plotted stories presented in my book. The ambience of the theatre was lovely and set the vibe for a wonderful evening, exploring the world of power, passion and politics that I created in my book.

I enjoyed sharing highlights of It’s Complicated: A Novel to a captivated audience who responded with warm smiles. I discussed my writing process and experiences with dealing with the publishing industry to get my books published. I read some intriguing scenes from my book and answered questions from the audience. It was an evening of laughter, love and inspiration.

Much to my delight, the audience was extremely interested in my book and the majority of the audience purchased It’s Complicated: A Novel. Please feel free to purchase your copy:

Visit my website – for upcoming book signings. I enjoy attending booking club meetings and I’m open to participating in virtual book club meetings. Email to schedule a book club meeting.

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